What is a Control Account? Definition Meaning Example

example of control account

Those subledgers are then totalled up for each period and the totals are recorded in the accounts receivable control account. Put simply, this means that the accounts receivable control account indicates the total amount that a company is owed, while the subledger reflects how much each customer individually owes. The balance of the control account should always be equal to the balance in the subsidiary example of control account ledger accounts. Accounts payable and accounts receivable control accounts are the most frequently used control accounts, although inventory and fixed asset control accounts can also be used. When monitoring your business’s general ledger, you may have an accounts receivable control account. The control account will only show you the accounts receivable balance after all calculations have been done.

(i) Prepare the part of the payables ledger control account reflecting the above information. Control accounts are mainly used to help identify errors in the subsidiary ledgers, but the use of them gives a business a number of additional advantages. Control accounts are most commonly used by large organizations, since their transaction volume is very high. A small organization can typically store all of its transactions in the general ledger, and so does not need a subsidiary ledger that is linked to a control account. If you’re still using manual ledgers to record accounting transactions, the best thing you can do is make the switch to accounting software, which includes complete control account management.

Accounting Ratios

With accounting software, the process of creating control accounts and subledgers can be simplified. With the double-entry accounting system, accounts receivable, and accounts payable are the common types of control accounts. Control accounts are an important component of double-entry accounting and make up the foundation of the general ledger. They serve as a summary report of the total balances for each subledger, and allow for a streamlined analysis of a company’s balance sheet without all of the clunky details contained in each subledger. In common use, control accounts refer to those that would, under ideal circumstances, balance to zero.

example of control account

All of these balances are recorded in separate A/R subsidiary accounts. The total of all of these accounts is carried forward into the A/R control account, which appears in the general ledger and the financial statements. The typical level of activity in a control account is on a daily basis. For example, all payables entered during one day will be aggregated from the subsidiary ledger and posted as a single summary-level number into the accounts payable control account.

What Are Control Accounts?

Thus, a it helps you to track the overall performance of your business. When comparing the control accounts and subsidiary accounts, both ending balances should match. If the control account balance doesn’t match the subsidiary ledger, a mistake in calculations may have been made. The term control account refers to any summary account in the general ledger. There are other names for control accounts, like adjustment account or controlling account.

example of control account

Here you’ll find specific details like how much a customer still owes, or when purchases were made. The resulting ended balance will still match that of the control, however. The ending balance in a control account should always match the ending total https://www.bookstime.com/articles/financial-accounting for its subsidiary ledger. If it doesn’t, then there could have been a mistake made during the calculations. (ii) Prepare a statement reconcilingthe original total of the individual balances with the corrected balanceon the control account.


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